Frequently Asked Questions

Everything About Web Design Academy

What You Need to Know

View our Frequently Asked Questions below. You can click on the question to see the answer. Please get in touch if you need any more information regarding Web Design Academy

Do you offer courses in Johannesburg, Cape Town or anywhere else in South Africa ?

Yes, yes and yes. Besides opening a new branch in Gauteng we also offer courses in any city in South Africa. We also offer custom and private training anywhere in South Africa. Please get in touch with your requirements then we can take it from there. Please note that there is a minimum of 3 students required for us to travel. Otherwise you can visit our KZN or Gauteng Academy.

I am really new to all of this, do you offer a course for absolute beginners ?

Yes, our Introduction to Web Design course is for absolute beginners not knowing anything at all about website designing. We also have a great Graphic Design Course for Absolute beginners and both of these courses will teach you everything you need to know in order to build awesome websites and design great graphics.

Do you offer custom courses ?

We offer custom courses on all of our current subjects as well as subjects not listed ie: jQuery, PHP etc… Please get in touch with your requirements then we can take it from there.

How much is it for a course ?

All our course prices vary. You can view the prices for each course on the actual course page at the top right hand side of the page. Under the “COURSE INFO”section. Alternatively you can view the prices and all discounted deals that we currently have on the Course Discounted Packages page.

Do I need to have Adobe Software in order to work with your courses ?

No, all our training is practical. We focus more on the skill than the actual software. So after completing our course you can use any software to apply your new skills. We also have a download page with some free software. You can view the list of applications here.

Do I receive a certificate after finishing my course and do you have tests ?

All students will receive a WDA Certified Certificate of Attendance. We do have tests after each subject. The tests are mostly in place to see if you understood everything in class and if we should cover any of the topics that you didn’t.

I know some basic HTML & CSS, what course would you suggest?

If you have basic HTML & CSS skills we would suggest doing the HTML5 & CSS3 course initially. After that you can also do the Mobile Design and Search Engine Optimisation courses to improve your HTML skills. A definite course will be the WordPress course and if you would like to increase your list of services we also offer Social Media Marketing and Adobe Flash Courses. You can always get in touch if you would like to discuss a personal development roadmap.

Are you sure I can learn HTML in 2 days ?

Most definitely yes. We would actually go as far and say. We challenge any student that has completed a one year course in web design and see who can design the better website. Our students are getting full time employment as well as some great success stories of own companies doing great. We guarantree you will be able to build awesome websites. Although we offer free refresher courses, we only had a handful of students making use of it.

Can you suggest any good places to stay while im down in Amanzimtoti ?

We have a list of some good B&B’s close to the office. You can get in touch for more information regarding your specific needs.

Why should I study through Web Design Academy ?

Because we are one of the few places in Africa that offers PRACTICAL training on these subjects. Our tutor shares years of experience in class, something that you will not find anywhere else. All our courses are 100% practical and we actually build a website, mobile app, design logo’s, custom facebook pages etc.. in class. We also offer a free refresher course at any time within a year. So you can come and sit for the same course again at any time for free. For if you maybe did not understand a topic we make sure you get the best of the latest technologies in ONLINE MARKETING, DESIGN and DEVELOPMENT. WE GUARANTEE YOUR KNOWLEDGE ON ALL SUBJECTS

Where is your Centurion Office Located?

Our Centurion office is located at 58 Columbia Road, Clubview, Centurion. We have safe parking outside the academy. Visit our contact page for a map and directions to the academy.

Do you offer any payment plans?

Unfortunately we do not have any payment (pay-off) plans in place at the moment. You are allowed to book your course with a deposit though and take the course when you paid in full. Students will only be allowed in class once full payment has been received. Contact us for more information on payments.

Where is your Durban Office Located ?

Our Durban Office is located in Amanzimtoti. The address is 41 Beach Road, Amanzimtoti, Durban. You can visit our Contact Page for a map and directions

What is the duration of your courses ?

We offer numerous short courses in Web Design, Graphic Design, Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Development. You can view the duration of each course on the actual course page. For instance if you want to know how long the PHP course is in Gauteng then you can view it on the actual course page – PHP COURSE GAUTENG

We also have 4 course packages that includes some or all of our subjects and range from 5 days to 15 days. You can view our course packages – WEB DESIGN ACADEMY COURSE PACKAGES

Can we break up/stagger the course packages?

The packages available take place over consecutive weeks however, you are welcome to break up the 10 Day, 13 Day and 15 Day packages.  For instance if you can take the 15 day package, you can attend one week a month. You will still receive the discounted price. Please Contact Us in this regard.

How do the classes work?

Classes commence at 09:00am sharp. Please be at the premises between 08:30am – 09:00am. We will supply you with all the Hardware and Software that you need to complete your Course. We also offer fresh cold water with coffee and tea throughout the day. We will have a tea break at 10:30am – 10:45pm and a lunch break at 12:00pm – 12:30pm. Classes will finish around 14:00pm. We will supply all course material and working files on a CD. We will write all files on the last day of the course so that you get everything that we worked on during the course.

Can I Pay by Credit Card?

All payments are done over EFT. We do not offer card payment facilities. Our banking details are on the invoice on request. Please note, no class will be confirmed before payment has been made.

Can I get a job after completing your Courses?

Yes, we do get enquiries from numerous companies requesting students who have completed our courses. Companies looking to offer employment or an internship can be forwarded to you personally. If you are looking for Web Design Agencies, we can direct you as well.


We have no special pre requisites in order to attend our academy. You don’t even need to have matric. All you need to know is how to use a computer, we teach you the rest.

After attending our courses you are able to design websites and make your course money back with only 1 website. Everything after that is generating extra income.

This is by far the quickest and easiest way to start earning a very decent income for anyone, no matter age, experience or degree.

Attending short courses in the web industry is far better than attending a 3 year degree. By the end of your 3rd year everything you learned is old technology already. What a waste that is

What our Clients Are Saying

  • The best course I have been on. The practical aspects behind the course really made it easy to understand. We also learned the latest in website design. 5 Stars to Web Design Academy.

    Yolanda Davies Spar - South Africa
  • Thanks to Web Design Academy I am now developing our website the best way possible. The course content was great and I could ask anything I wanted to know with great feedback and support. A definite for anyone wanting to study Web or Graphic Design.

    Melissa Jooste Mr.Price
  • As a print designer I really enjoyed your courses. The course content is great for absolute beginners and you scaled it perfectly to more advanced levels. Excellent practical training that I will suggest to anyone wanting to learn web and graphic design.

    Chantelle Gibson Perfect Print
  • After completing the 10 Day Web Design course I am very confident in offering my clients a full web, social and search service. Best money I ever spent. Very insightful and friendly staff. Thanks again. G

    Gerard J.V Vuuren Website Copywriter
  • The 13 day course was absolutely amazing. We packed so much information in that I feel like a web design super hero. The courses are perfectly planned out and each course complimenting the next one. Thank You !

    Samuel Khune Freelance Web Designer
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